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Laundry Detergent

$20 / 5 pack


fabric softener, stain remover, deodorizer, cleans all types of clothes thoroughly, no harsh chemicals, dyes or fragrances (each pack will wash 1-2 loads depending on size :)


this product is especially good for people with sesitive skin or people dealing with skin irritation issues / rashes

- a lot of laundry detergents now days have harsh chemicals, dyes, fragrances.. not to mention microplastics! .. and unfortunatly every time we decide to make the cheaper decicion there,we not only negatively impact our-cell-phs (our skin is our biggest and most absorbant organ), we also negatively impact the environment around us


eye personally switched out all my laundry detergents for this all natural alternative (shouldn't be the alternative! but anyways) in Feb 2022 and eye would absolutly never go back. My clothes are always soft, clean, and smell like amazing lemon tea tree oil (you'll have to look at "Laundry Sprays" if your interested in that = no more dryer sheets)


There is even a YouTube video on my channel showing how to make your own laundry detergents. If thats you *hands in heart shape* happy creating!!


non gmo

Laundry Detergents



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